CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday June 29th at 7pm

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee 
Wednesday June 29th at 7pm

Clinton Heights Lutheran Church
15 Clinton Heights Ave.
1. Call to order.
2. Approve agenda.
3. Consider previous meeting’s minutes.
4. Demolition agenda: A request to waive the 60-day waiting period to demolish the structure at 4910 N. High St. to make way for the proposed Chick-fil-A. 
5. Variance Agenda:
4910 N. High St., GC22-019. Chick-Fil-A asks for variances to allow for the installation of signage for a new fast food restaurant and an oil change shop including menu board signs, a monument sign, wall signs, and ground signs. Variances from
  • 3372.706(B) – to allow for two changeable copy menu board signs in a drive thru (H1 and H2).
  • 3377.17(A) – to reduce the setback for a ground sign from 15’ to0’ (A2). 3378.01(D) – special permits to allow for 2 off-premises ground signs for 2 separate uses (signs A2 and A3).
6. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC will be on July 7, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of this committee will be on July 27, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

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