CAC Zoning & Variance Meeting – Wednesday December 29th at 7pm (In Person)

Clintonville Area Commission – Zoning & Variance Committee (IN PERSON)
Wednesday December 29th at 7pm


  • The meeting will start at 7:00 p.m., and it will be in-person.
    • Clinton Heights Lutheran Church – 15 Clinton Heights Ave.
  • All people are required to wear masks.

Agenda PDF:20211229DraftAgenda


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approve agenda.
  3. Consider previous meeting’s minutes.
  4. Variance Agenda
    1. BZA21-152, 450 E. Tulane. In order to build an 18′ x20′ garage on the same footprint as the current garage, the homeowners seek a variance to increase the maximum height from 15′ to 24′, CC3333.28(G). (Note, the application includes two other requests, which the City has told the applicant that do not need.)
    2. BZA21-158, 162 East North Broadway. The homeowners seek to increase the maximum height for a garage from 15′ to 22′ 3 3/4″. CC3332.38(G).
    3. BZA21-162, 181 Glencoe. The homeower seeks variances to 1) increase the allowable lot area of a private garage from 720 square feet to 864 square feet, CC3332.38(F), and 2) increase the allowable height of a detached garage from 15′ to 22′ CC3332.38(G).
    4. CV21-126, 61 West North Broadway. The homeowner seeks a variances to 1) increase the allowable height of a detached garage from 15′ to 22′ CC3332.38(G), and 2) allow habitable space in the second story of a detached garage. CC3332.37(A).
    5. GC21-050, 3330 Indianola Ave. The applicant seeks a variance to allow for a digital menu board sign for a drive thru that is not visible from the right of way. CC3372.606.
    6. BZA21-167, 2864 N. High St. The applicant seeks variances to (explanations provided by the applicant):
      1. Reduce the minimum driveway width from 20′ foot 17′-10″ due to existing site constraint (retaining wall holding back driveway). CC3312.13.
      2. Reduce the solid area for parking lot tree from 145 sf to 127 sf & reduce the minimum 4′ radius to 2.5′ due to existing site constraint (small parking lot size). CC3312.21.
      3. Reduce the minimum required parking spaces from 18 to 10 spaces given this is what physically fits and is an existing condition. CC3312.49.
      4. Locate trash enclosure in parking area (farthest from street view) given there is no room behind existing building due to zero lot line condition. CC3321.01.
  5. Announce that the next meeting of the CAC, will be on January 6, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Whetstone Library, and the next meeting of this committee will be on January 26, 2022, 7:00 p.m., at the Clinton Heights Lutheran Church.

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